There is a professor at Multnomah bible college that was quoted saying church is this:
Church is the gathering of people who share some common beliefs and religious standards but who’s true allegiance lies somewhere else.
When I was being told about this it really hit me. How true is this for so many people now. If something else comes up then we do that instead of church. Instead of making church our first priority and making putting time in at church helping to grow the church rather we spend time on other “noble” causes.
When the chance to go to a Football game comes up, or the chance to play with your team in whatever sport it may be comes up, or when your friends ask you to do something, why do we say to our selfs Oh it is just one time I am just missing church once not a big deal. It would be better if we thought to our selfs, I can go to a football game some other time, I can miss this game with my team I have lots of others, I can hang out or go do something another day because today what really matters is that I am in church worshiping God.
So yes church is simply a gathering of people with common interests who’s true allegiance lies somewhere else. Don’t let your self be one of them, get your priorities right make sure your true allegiance is to Jesus Christ and to following him, not to something of this world.
Dave this is awesome, where did you hear that quote…it wasn’t from me was it? I had that professor last semester and he was really challenging. I couldn’t agree with you more. Keep it up, there is some great stuff on this blog.
Hey Michael, yeah actually I did here that quote from you, it was just so true and really hit me one day when I was making a decision about something and I just felt like I should write a blog about it so maybe it will help others. Thanks.