Some times in Christianity we focus so much on the fact that God does not see one sin as greater than another that we forget the not all sins are the same to Satin. You may wonder why that matters if you are a christian so let me explain.
As a christian we must do our best to live our life in comunion with God, but when sin enters our life it can many times pull us away from him because it can either absorb our life or maybe in order to continue sinning we have to stop listening to God all together, you can’t just shut off the warnings and expect the rest of your relationship with christ to continue.
What the devil wants most from christians is to see us sin and to fall away from God. I think for some christians he may twist the understanding of one sin not being greater than another, because though to God they are the same in badness(all sin seperates us from Him for eternity except through Jesus). Sometimes satin twists our minds so that we can believe all sin is the same and does the same damage to our spiritual life this is not true….
Some sins are much easier to over come than others some sins are one time only. But when you fall in to a sin that grabs hold of your life(like many sins do). It will cause you to fall away from God, it will cause you to turn from him and while you are sitting there thinking that all sins are the same satin knows that as long as he can keep you thinking that you will continue and you will decive yourself thinking at anytime you can turn from whatever it was back to God like it was no different that just the little lie you told last week. But when you try to turn you will soon realize that satin has lead you down that path and it will take much work to make your way all the way back to living in a right relationship with God. Don’t take me wrong God will be right there to be with you as soon as you turn but you will find that that sin will for a very long time be there try to pull you back in to itself.
I think the worst sins are the ones everybody else does, mine are all not important to God
Now commenting on David’s blog for example…. we need givers, not takers
Nice article. Thanks. 🙂 Eugene